Some amazing MAD (Make A Difference) children in Room 12 have started a club to clean up the rubbish around Red Beach School. They have made a movie to show you what they have been up to. What incredible empowered learners!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Busy bees

Room 12 has been studying bees this term and we have used the Powerful Learning model of get it, sort it, use it. We needed to dialogue with each other, we questioned, we imagined and we reflected. This is what we found out. Bees are amazing and life would not be the same without bees. We need bees!
Fabulous Feeling Poems

The colour of happiness is soft, warm pink.
Happiness tastes like bright yellow honey on toast.
It sometimes smells like fresh hay.
Happiness looks like a garden full of butterflies.
The sound of birds singing in the morning.
- Alannah
Love is bright red
It tastes like ripe strawberries.
It smells like silk.
Love looks like hearts.
Love sounds like hearts beating.
It feels happy.
- Jaydee
Happiness is the colour of a hot fire.
It smells like hot jelly.
It tasted like delicious honey.
It sounds like birds singing in the morning.
It feels like the hot sun.
- Mia
The colour of happiness is bright yellow.
Happiness tastes like golden honey dribbling down your chin.
Happiness has a rich smell of chocolate.
Happiness looks like pretty flowers and colourful ones.
Happiness sounds like birds singing.
- Hamish H.
Happiness tastes like golden honey on warm toast.
It smells like a lollipop.
It looks like a rainbow.
It sounds like music.
It feels like a puppy’s breath.
- Matthew
Sadness is the colour of blood.
It feels like a super fantastic pet has died.
It tastes like rotten bread.
Sadness looks like somebody special died.
Sadness sounds like crying.
- Charlotte
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cross Country
The whole of Red Beach School went to Shakespear Park to run in the Cross Country. We all took big risks, we persevered to the end and we all had a fantastic time. We had beautiful weather and we all participated in the races and had a wonderful day.
Yesterday we had our Cross Country. When we got there we had morning tea. Our lunch boxes were filled with healthy food. I came third in the cross country. My class mates were proud of me. The place was in Shakespear Park. My dad and Nana were proud of me. – Tyler L
Yesterday we ran Cross Country. It was very hot. I couldn’t run fast or slow and couldn’t jog fast either. First of all we unpacked our bags. We had yummy brain food, suddenly Mrs Mount blew a red trumpet. Everybody crept down. It was for the race. She called out in her shiny red trumpet “Year one girls, do the race.” Everybody watched. – Poppy
On Wednesday the 16th of June 2010, we did our Cross Country at Shakespear Park. The whole school went to the Cross Country. I felt scared when I lost Mrs Watt. It was great fun at cross country. I came 23rd. It was a lovely sunny day. The boys ran after the girls ran. My dad came with my little brother James to watch. –Charlotte
On Wednesday the whole school went to Shakespear Park for Cross Country. We went in a bus it was the first time we went in a bendy bus. When we got there we watched the Year ones play and then it was our turn. We ran like the wind. I came 21st. – Matthew
Hands can help us ...
Hands are special tools we use for heaps of things. When Mum or dad hold my hand I feel safe because I know I can't get lost. The best thing hands can do is hug. Hands get wrinkled from being used for so many special things. Hands get older and older. - Charlotte
Hands help you when you are trying something out. They are our special tools and they reach out and grab life. Our hands are as soft as sand. When I hold my father's hand I can feel that he is strong and brave. My Mum's hands are as warm as a bulb of light. My hand is still small but when I grow up they can do amazing things. - Alannah
My hands are always there. They are all soft and crinkled. They help me climb trees. I really like my hands because they help me write. They help me push and pull and they help me play with play dough. They are really good for squeezing. I love my hands. - Hayley
Hands talk to you. They talk for the deaf and dumb. They are a tool. Hands are useful. Hands are all sizes. Hands are good at writing. Hands can heal. Hands touch your heart. Stop and think about your hands, they might be wrinkly or soft. I like my hands. My hands carry things. Hans get older and older. - Jed
Stop and think about your hands. Hands are special because they are your tools. Hands are cool. You can grab. You can use your your hands for climbing and picking things up. - Ethan
Hands can talk to you. Hands can help you. Hands are different sizes. Hands help you to carry. Hands help you to write. -Riley
Hands are good because they can help you to eat. When mum holds my hand I feel strong. Hands talk to other people like the deaf and dumb. - Hamish H
Hands help me when I fall. I can pick toys up with them. My hands help me dive. Hands can pat dogs. Hands can shake hands. Hands can hug. - Jaydee
Hands help you to carry stuff. They help you to eat and help to stop you from falling down. My mum loves my hands and my daddy too. Sometimes my mum holds my hand and that makes me feel happy. - Olivia
Monday, June 14, 2010
Room 12's Bee Trip to Warkworth
Room 12, Room 16, teachers, parents and nanas went to the amazing Warkworth Honey Bee Centre. First of all, when we got there we had some morning tea. After that we went inside and learnt amazing bee facts. Then we started watching how bee keepers get the honey out, then we did a play. While we were doing that they found a queen bee, she laid an egg. – Matthew
On Wednesday the 9th of June 2010, Room 12 and 16, parents, nanas and teachers went to the Warkworth Honey Centre. We got there by school bus. The nanas and parents got there by car. We made candles, saw heaps of bees and watched a show. The candles were made of wax. I felt surprised when my dad came and saw me when we saw all the bees. At the Honey Centre Wian, Jovi and Riley spun a big honey machine. After we had left the Honey Centre we went to Parry Kauri Park. - Charlotte
On Wednesday the 9th of June Room 12, Room 16, some parents and teachers went to Warkworth Honey Centre. When we got there we had morning tea. Hamish H, Oliver, Olivia and Poppy were in my group. Room 12 made candles as yellow as the sun. Riley, Jovi, Wian, Anya, Alesya and a girl from Room 16 spun the honey machine. I felt excited, brave and afraid. – Alannah
Room 12, Room 16, nanas, adults and teachers went on a bus on Wednesday the 9th of June. We went to the Warkworth Honey Centre. When we got there we had morning tea. I though everyone had a great time. I felt excited. Bees are smart, they feed us food. – Mary
Room 12 and Room 16 went to the Warkworth Honey Centre on the 9th of June. We learnt about bees. Then we saw a hilarious play with Mary, Ariana, Cale and Brooklyn. We learnt some interesting facts. I enjoyed it. We went on a bus. We saw bees behind a glass wall. We made a candle. – Jed
On Wednesday the 9th of June we went to the bee centre and Room 12 and Room 16 went on the bus. We watched a very funny show. I was very happy and excited. My best part was making a candle. – Hamish F
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Albatross Community Movie
Mrs Watt also needs to do some learning sometimes. I took a big risk and had a go at making a movie on Windows Movie Maker. At first I felt nervous because I have never done this before. It took a long time and a lot of perseverance. I decided that I would use the Powerful Learning process. I needed to find out how to do this, I had to "Get it", so I watched a tutorial on You Tube that Mrs Cope found for me. I also asked some Year 6 experts to give me some help. They were very patient with me, even when I asked some really tricky questions. Then I needed to "Sort it". I had to find pictures and put them in the right order, put titles on in different places and find music that went with the movie. Finally, I got it all together and I felt so proud of myself. I then "Used it" and put it on the blog for everyone to share. My next learning step is to use the video to make an even better movie. Watch this space!! You see - even teachers are Life Long Learners!
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