Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hands can help us ...

Hands are special tools we use for heaps of things. When Mum or dad hold my hand I feel safe because I know I can't get lost. The best thing hands can do is hug. Hands get wrinkled from being used for so many special things. Hands get older and older. - Charlotte

Hands help you when you are trying something out. They are our special tools and they reach out and grab life. Our hands are as soft as sand. When I hold my father's hand I can feel that he is strong and brave. My Mum's hands are as warm as a bulb of light. My hand is still small but when I grow up they can do amazing things. - Alannah

My hands are always there. They are all soft and crinkled. They help me climb trees. I really like my hands because they help me write. They help me push and pull and they help me play with play dough. They are really good for squeezing. I love my hands. - Hayley

Hands talk to you. They talk for the deaf and dumb. They are a tool. Hands are useful. Hands are all sizes. Hands are good at writing. Hands can heal. Hands touch your heart. Stop and think about your hands, they might be wrinkly or soft. I like my hands. My hands carry things. Hans get older and older. - Jed

Stop and think about your hands. Hands are special because they are your tools. Hands are cool. You can grab. You can use your your hands for climbing and picking things up. - Ethan

Hands can talk to you. Hands can help you. Hands are different sizes. Hands help you to carry. Hands help you to write. -Riley

Hands are good because they can help you to eat. When mum holds my hand I feel strong. Hands talk to other people like the deaf and dumb. - Hamish H

Hands help me when I fall. I can pick toys up with them. My hands help me dive. Hands can pat dogs. Hands can shake hands. Hands can hug. - Jaydee

Hands help you to carry stuff. They help you to eat and help to stop you from falling down. My mum loves my hands and my daddy too. Sometimes my mum holds my hand and that makes me feel happy. - Olivia

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