Room 12 and the rest of Red Beach School have all been very busy putting on an amazing production. Read all about it ....
This week Red Beach School had a marvelous production live on stage! There were five different stalls from five different countries, India, Africa, Scotland, Samoa and Korea. There was also a New Zealand stall that sold gumboots. The school did the show so they could entertain the parents and raise money for the junior playground. A group of very clever children wrote the script and the music was great. "What an amazing show!" said one parent after Thursday night's final performance. - Mia
Red Beach School has done a big production. Room 12 has done six dances named Korean, Kiwi, Samoan, Indian, African and Scottish. In each dance there are two groups the Monday, Wednesday group and the Tuesday, Thursday group. Each of our dances has lovely music. I was in the Albatross community. I say “Annyong Haseo.” I have six people in my beautiful dance. I am really happy. I enjoy my magnificent dance. – Poppy
On Monday the 20th of September half of Red Beach School did an amazing production. We were entertaining the parents and we were raising money for the junior playground. The children at Red Beach School did a performance. There was an African, Indian, Korean, Samoan, New Zealand and Scottish group. What an amazing performance. – Alannah
This week Red Beach School are putting on a production called Time Traveller 3000. They are doing it to entertain the parents and to raise money for a Red Beach junior playground. Today, the Monday, Wednesday group is fantastic. Come and see them perform. – Jed
Red Beach School is raising money for a new junior playground. A group of children wrote the script. All the classes take part. Red Beach School also did it to entertain the parents. Red Beach went on stage in their hall. When Room 12 did it there were many different countries. – Matthew
Last night the Tuesday, Thursday people in Red Beach School did a play. It was fun because we were raising money. My group was called Samoa. When I got there I was nervous. – Tyler S
Red Beach School is doing a production. We are the Albatross community up on the stage the whole week. They are trying to raise money for the new playground. The children were amazing for the production. – Olivia
The school's awesome production. On Monday, the Monday, Wednesday group did their production. I am a Scottish dancer. I loved it. We are doing it to entertain the parents and raise money for the junior playground. The children at Red Beach School did it. It is called Time Traveller 3000. – Hamish H
Red Beach School is holding an amazing production with eight communities. I am in the Albatross community. Red Beach School is raising money for a new junior playground. I have had fun. – Jaydee
Red Beach School is doing a production. It was fantastic. The Mums were loving it. I was nervous because there were so many people. But it was fun. I didn’t believe how many people there were. There were as many as 400 parents that were looking at me. There were mums, dads, nanas and uncles. It was fantastic. – Remy
Red Beach School is doing a fantastic production and it’s called Time Traveller 3000 and my dance is a Sasa and I’m in the Samoan group and they are cool too. I bet the crowd will love it. – Jayden
This week we had a production at Red Beach School’s hall. Adults and kids were there but the kids were doing the production. We did it to raise money for the junior playground. I am in the Albatross Community. The production was held with eight communities. I was in the African group. – Mary
Red Beach School kids are doing a production on Monday to Thursday and they are doing it to raise money for a new junior playground. Hayley W’s part in the production is the happy joyful Scottish dance and I hope they don’t make any mistakes! They are going to look gorgeous. – Hayley
The Red Beach School children were on the stage. They were doing a production. The play is called Time Traveller 3000. They were raising money for the junior playground. – Riley
The whole of Red Beach School is doing the production. I love my costume. The finale song is “Together”. We are raising money for the junior playground. – Tyler L
Red Beach School has done a big production on the stage. My community is the Albatross community and I say “Namaste, come get your hot curry here!” My dance is the Indian dance. I wish we could keep the costumes. – Paige
Yesterday the Tuesday, Thursday group went into the hall for the production. It was very dark when we went there and when we got up the stairs we were cold. My feet were cold. The whole school was sitting on chairs. I was nervous. I loved the production. It was fantastic. Then I went off the stage. – Charlee
Red Beach School has a production. It was fun. I was dancing and the others danced too. – Hamish F
Red Beach School did an amazing production. The teachers called the production Time Traveller 3000. Red Beach School entertained and raised money for the junior playground. – Anya
On Monday we did an amazing production. There were bright shining lights. They were really colourful. My community did the stalls. – Ethan
I was in the second group in the production. All of the classes took part. The little kids were raising money for the junior playground. - Oliver
The amazing production. Red Beach School is doing a production to raise money for a new junior playground. The production is called the Time Traveller 3000. All of the classes took part. The production was in the hall at Red Beach School – Atalia
I am Wian and I dance for the African group. My dance is about Africa and I am in the Albatross community. It is an amazing production. – Wian