Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fruit Kebabs

Yesterday Room 12 made kebabs. They were delicious. We had nutritious smooth bananas and I ate the dried apricots and crunchy apples. It was healthy. There was also juicy pineapple. We had a very sharp stick. When I went outside, I ate my fruity kebab. When I tasted it, it was delicious and nutritious. - Remy

For Oracy, Room 12 made a delicious healthy fruit kebab. There were so many delicious things that it made my mouth water. We put pineapple, apricots, bananas that looked like the sun, apples, celery and prunes on the stick. - Anya

Yesterday we made terrific juicy fruit kebabs. We had pineapple and apples. I loved it. I felt full. It was really delicious. - Ethan

I had celery on my kebab. I got spiked by the stick. There was fruit and vegetables. I had apricot and cucumber.I had fun making the kebabs. - Riley

Yesterday Room 12 did Oracy. We made fruit and vegetable kebabs. I put three pieces of crunchy celery, two pieces of sweet pineapple, three pieces of apricot and a piece of cucumber. There were also some squishy bananas, bright red apples and prunes that were as black as the night. I liked making our kebabs. - Charlotte

Yesterday we made fruit and vegetable kebabs. They looked delicious. We all chose our food. We nibbled it. The celery was crunchy. - Tyler L


  1. What great fun, Room 12. I liked all the describing words you used for the fruit and vegetables. There were some great similes too!

    Mrs Watt

  2. They look delicious Room 12

  3. Those were great fruit and vegetable kebabs. I had fun making the kebabs. Charlotte.

  4. I like your simle charlotte.


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