One spooky night in the Witching Hour, I heard tiptoeing in my room. When I put my head up, I saw a pirate who had a stripy coat, his pants were baggy and rotten and his hook was as sharp as a pin. When I looked at his evil eyes they are dark red and just then I heard “a……ha ha ha. I will take over all of America!” Then he used his hands. He electrocuted me twice just keeping his hands still. When I closed my eyes and I opened them I was in a different world. I’m on a pirate galleon tied in a rope. One pirate said “Walk the plank!” I slowly walked backwards and when I was at the end, I jumped off. I was flying and then there was a big bang and I was back in my bed.

Once upon a time there was a scary pirate called Captain Hook. His boots were black with a picture of some gold treasure on it. He had strong men as well. He wasn’t scared of anything. He must be brave. He had a fake leg. He was very tall and his hook was as sharp as a knife. His enemy was Captain Claw. Captain Claw has been trying to steal the treasure for many years. So the captain is looking out for him. He commanded his men, “Put the treasure down on the deck!” He told the other men “Make a trap!” The men thought for a moment and in their head they said, “What kind of trap could we make?” One of the men said, “How about a net!” The others said, “A great idea.” The captain was looking out for Captain Claw and if he sees him he would say, “Alert” and the men would pull the rope and the net would come down. Then Captain Claw came and he saw the treasure and he said, “I could get the treasure.” They heard their captain call “Alert”, so they pulled the rope and he got stuck in the net and then the captain came and he shouted, “Ah ah ah!” They dropped him in the water and that was the end of Captain Claw.

The captain woke up and he heard a noise and he heard the sound of the big black boots. He got out of his big bed and tiptoed to the door. He saw a robber with big black baggy pants and a suit and it scared him and he went back to bed to hide. Then he went into the cabin and wanted to get his map and he found it and it was in his drawer. Then the next day it was gone. He shouted, “Where is my map?” They searched and searched. They made a race to see the ‘X’ marks the spot and guess who found it? Yip, the robber did. The robber felt rich.

Captain Riley had a t-shirt and boots and pants, a sword and an eye patch and a hat. Captain Riley was asleep. His crew blew up the ship. Before they blew up the ship, they got the map. His crew went on another ship. Captain Riley jumped on to the ship before the ship blew up. The captain’s ship blew up.

Thump!!! I saw big pink boots. It was Captain Poppy coming towards me. She had brown eyes like the night and very messy gold hair! I wondered why she was coming towards me. She had a scar on her chin and a sword poked down her thick black belt. Also, a brown and silver strong musket!!! She looked angry and had a black eye patch with a cross bone on it! One day, the captain’s treasure was stolen by Captain Tyler L. and her crew! This made the captain furious! She had to get it back! But the crew and Captain Tyler L. were already gone, traveling far away to Egypt, stealing more treasure! So they had to travel to Egypt too, to get their treasure back immediately! They traveled for four hours. Finally they got there. With Poppy’s telescope she looked through it for Captain Tyler L. Finally she found them in a straw house! She told the crew to stay there and so she tiptoed up on the ship, into the cabin and stole the treasure back!

Captain Monkey is a psycho captain living on a dark, spooky, freaky ship called “Freaks Treasure”. His pants are ripped. There is a huge scar on his face. He bellows to the crew, “Give me the gold or it’s off with your head!” He uses muskets and swords, pistols and guns. I’d tell you, there’s a big chest full of weapons in his galleon. One day, Captain Monkey was lying in the cabin bed when all of a sudden, BANG! “W – what was th – that bang?” he stammered. “I think we should go find out,” said Fourth Mate Chocolate Coin. “Let’s search the ship,” said Peg Polkadot. The pirates searched and then, “Wait!” yelled Second Mate Mr Grab, “I’ve found something black!” Let’s go look at what Mr Grab’s found,” said Captain Monkey. The crew hurried over. “I wonder what that black shadowy, moving thing is,” said Third Mate Ben Buckle. It opened the door and bellowed, “BOO!” The banger turned out to be Bad Jelly the Witch! The way to get even was throw her out of the ship. To solve the problem, the pirates tied Badjelly’s hands together, lifted her up and carried her to the edge of the deck, lifted her over the railing and dropped her into the sea. Problem solved.

One stormy night, a mean, bad pirate walked across the deck. His name was Captain Jack Sparrow. He had a dark, dark black beard. He also had big black boots. He had a black pirate cloak that was so dark. One misty night Captain Jack Sparrow wanted more fantastic treasure. There were bad pirates on his galleon. They started fighting his crew. Captain Jack Sparrow came out and saw his crew fighting the baddies. Then he saw more treasure. His crew started running and stole it.

One night when the captain went to bed, he forgot to get changed. So he hopped out of bed and got changed. By the mirror, he saw he had a big black filthy dirty beard. He also had a cloak that was as dark as night. He also had black boots and puffy pants. One night, when the moon was rising, the captain went to bed. A mean pirate on his galleon decided to steal the treasure map, but the captain caught him. He bellowed, “Ha ha ha, you can’t catch me!” He became a servant but then the captain had a better idea for he had to walk the plank.

She wears baggy pants, a shiny top and a hat and an earring. She also wears an eye patch. When Captain Atalia was looking through her treasure, the ship sunk into the ocean below the water. The treasure fell off the ship. She found the treasure. She tried to swim to the shore. It was starting to get dark. She fell asleep. In the bright sunny morning, she was on the shore. Then she saw an ‘X’ on the sand. She dug. She found the treasure. It was her old friend. Then she saw a ship with her friend.

On a dark and spooky night, I heard a big BANG! I said, “What’s that?” All of a sudden, I saw two big black boots, some puffy pants, a black coat, a scruffy beard, an eye patch with a skull and a hooked hook! It was a pirate! He stomped forward and bellowed, “What are you doing here?” In a scared voice I said, “I, I, I live here.” “Well where’s the money?” demanded the pirate “W-w-what money?” I cried. “Your money!” “Ok, just please don’t hurt me,” I begged. So the pirate took the money and said to his crew, “Come on men, we have some work to do!” So off they went to their ship and sailed to an island and put an ‘X’ next to the money. But when they came back from getting the red paint for the ‘X’, the money was gone! The crew searched everywhere, but they couldn’t find it. The captain said, “Where could it be?” Suddenly they saw a monkey hanging down from a tree. The pirates kept trying to snatch the money and finally they got it.

Once upon a time there was a pirate called Ty. She was very pretty but she was very mean. Ty has a shiny silver sword and had brown hair and pink hair. She is a very hungry pirate. Room 12 is learning about pirates. Their hooks are as sharp as swords. The pirate’s parrot is screeching all the time. The parrot is very colourful.
Once there was a pirate who had two men who were as strong as a giant. The captain is called Captain Monkey. The first crew mate is called RC. The second one is called HP. When the pirates were asleep, another pirate crew came aboard. They made a big racket when they were aboard the ship. Then the pirates woke up. They stomped up to the deck and started to fight. Captain Monkey killed their Captain Sparrow. Captain Sparrow’s crew was so terrified that they ran away.
Hamish H

Once upon a time, there was a pirate who was mean and angry. His name was Captain Cannon. He has a crew of eight. He eats octopus. His clothes are a pirate hat, an eye patch, a black coat, puffy pants, a belt that had a telescope, two gold muskets, two silver swords and some big black boots. In each boot there were two gold muskets. He also steals treasure. One day on the seven seas, Captain Cannon was on his brand new ship. He was planning to go to Snake Rock to steal some treasure but he couldn’t because it was guarded by other pirates. So he went and bought 26 cannons, put them in the ship and loaded them up with the help of his crew. Then off they went. All the ships they found BOOM!!! They blew them up. They got to Snake Rock and they found the treasure and they celebrated.
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